Mar 30, 2022 | CO2 Toxicity, Environment, Green Energy |
John F. Robbins Chair of Sierra Club's Northern KY Group John F. Robbins is Chair of Sierra Club’s Northern KY Group, an organization that helps the environment across the United States. As a member of the Association of Energy Engineers, John has been...
Feb 28, 2022 | Climate Change Mitigation, CO2 Toxicity, Ocean Acidification |
What Is Bottom Trawling? Trawling is a fishing practice in which a boat tows a net through the water to trap fish. This is done at various depths depending on the desired catch. When the net is towed along the seafloor, the technique is called bottom trawling. Heavy...
Feb 28, 2022 | CO2 Toxicity, Environment, Ocean Acidification |
“The Greatest Threat to Our Planet Is the Belief That Someone Else Will Save It.” – Robert Swan, O.B.E. What is Climate Change? You’d be hard-pressed to find a human being on the planet who hasn’t heard at least something on the topic of climate change, but how...