Apr 15, 2022 | CO2 Toxicity, Global Warming, Ocean Acidification |
Ocean Acidification and Its Effect on Sea Life Most people are familiar with Plankton from the SpongeBob SquarePants, especially if you have a young child at home. Plankton’s sole mission is to steal Mr. Krab’s Krabby Patty secret formula. Some might...
Apr 9, 2022 | Climate Change Mitigation, Environment |
It seems there is always a new species of animal that is on the brink of extinction. Whether you hear about particular penguins, fish, or polar bears, the list of endangered animals keeps growing. Climate change is a contributing factor, as weather changes have taken...
Mar 31, 2022 | Carbon Capture, CO2 Toxicity, Environment |
Can Saving the World be as Simple as Eating Your Vegetables? Did you ever think you were saving the world when you had to finish your vegetables at the dinner table as a kid? It may have been fun to imagine that those carrots that you had to eat were power sticks to...
Mar 29, 2022 | Carbon Capture, Climate Change Mitigation, CO2 Toxicity, Environment, Ocean Acidification |
If you have access to any media channel, chances are you’ve seen images of trash floating around in the ocean, footage of turtles with plastic debris around their heads, or aerial views of massive oil spills polluting what were once vibrant blue waters. The problem is...
Mar 23, 2022 | Climate Change Mitigation, CO2 Toxicity, Environment, Global Warming |
Rainforests are the Lungs of the Planet Do you remember learning that we should save rainforests because they are the “Lungs of the Planet”? Me, too. But that rainforests-are-the-planet’s-lungs mantra is not supported by evidence. Is it a...