May 14, 2022 | Carbon Capture, CO2 Toxicity, Environment |
Excessive carbon dioxide (CO2) is horrible for many reasons! It increases the greenhouse effect, traps the sun’s heat energy within the atmosphere, and warms our oceans. And for a more personal reason: as carbon dioxide levels rise, it replaces the oxygen...
Apr 21, 2022 | Carbon Capture, Environment, Green Energy |
How Energy Storage can give mother nature an extra lifeline. Video games remain a regular staple within our digital world. Video games build on the principles: we can all work together as a team to solve complex and daunting problems. Being a gamer creates a safe...
Mar 30, 2022 | CO2 Toxicity, Environment, Green Energy |
John F. Robbins Chair of Sierra Club's Northern KY Group John F. Robbins is Chair of Sierra Club’s Northern KY Group, an organization that helps the environment across the United States. As a member of the Association of Energy Engineers, John has been...
Mar 14, 2022 | CO2 Toxicity, Environment, Ocean Acidification |
If you’ve looked into the science behind climate change, you probably already know that an excess of CO2 poses a significant threat to our planet. Carbon stays in our atmosphere much longer than a human life span (at least 300 years) and has disastrous effects...
Mar 10, 2022 | Carbon Capture, Climate Change Mitigation, CO2 Toxicity, Ocean Acidification |
Ocean Acidification Threatens the Future of Marine Ecosystems Almost seventy percent of our planet is water, and yes, water is life. Humanity, nor any other known species could survive without water. Therefore, the logical thing would be to care for the water as a...